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  1. As far as I know yes, and I do not think it was long lived as it was apparently against the collective agreement.
  2. I drove the 747 when I was on the spare board, so 2011-2013. The Arboc trailed behind the two forty footers to pick up the overflow when the two big buses were full. I do not remember seeing an Arboc on the 747 when I did the PM run, so not sure how they got all the kids home, which is why I think an artic was used at some point.
  3. Another route that comes to mind, where all three types could have been on the route, was the 747 Hidden Valley - Crescent Heights. There was an Arboc added as the spill over bus, but I can not remember if they ever used an artic on it. This was a very busy route, with 40 footers often being full, hence the Arboc.
  4. The 302 used to get all three, drove it with 40 footers and artics, and saw it with Arbocs. Maybe I am wrong with this but I think the 18 Lakeview used to have all three types, mainly it was 40 footers, but there was a morning key that had an artic that went as far as MRU from the core, this was after running in from North Pointe as a 301. I think the arbocs were weekend, but I maybe confusing this with the route from Chinook.
  5. Only made it as far as Toronto.
  6. I thought the route 1 always had signal trips.
  7. Deseronto Transit is tweaking their route. Two new stops have been added in Napanee, one stop has been changed in Tyendinaga, and a morning run from Deseronto to Napanee has been added. https://www.deseronto.ca/blog/2024/02/16/transit-routes-update
  8. From the Napanee Beaver https://www.napaneebeaver.ca/council-notes-positive-feed-back-on-transit-so-far-council-defers-decision-on-green-space-next-to-j-j-oneill/
  9. Rediscovered Belleville Transit 31A (ex St.Catharines Transit 52) a 1969 T6H-5305, on Tyendinaga Mohawk Reserve yesterday. Here is a capture from Google Maps. https://www.google.com/maps/@44.1911945,-77.1155844,3a,75y,297.97h,86.73t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAoGb2EadZydPS_j6DysSAw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DAoGb2EadZydPS_j6DysSAw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D81.493706%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  10. I got a new job in the transit industry, real exited to return to the captains chair.
  11. On January 9, 2024, Deseronto Transit is ending on-demand service and introducting scheduled service between Napanee, Deseronto, and Belleville only. They are dropping the service into Prince Edward County. https://www.deseronto.ca/residents/transit
  12. Here is a scan of part of the artwork, which is far too large to put on my scanner. Yes, there is one at the Canada Science and Technology Museum, but its former identity is not known.
  13. I just asked him, he said they were built and delivered in 1986. He thinks the photo you saw was either artwork or one of the test cars, there used to be several at Millhaven and I remember seeing some when I went to visit his office in the 1990s, after his time in Detroit. I never went into the storage area as at that time they had military vehicles for the Canadian military on site.
  14. Could this have been the car of which you saw the photo? From the webpage: https://transittoronto.ca/spare/0007.shtml
  15. No, they were never painted in SEMTA scheme, but were always Green/Yellow. My father was responsible for these cars from construction to commissioning, and he was part of the meetings to discuss the livery. I know that it was proposed to paint them in SEMTA, and artwork was done, but the city colours were adopted instead. He has one of those artworks somewhere, I will have to bug him to see if he can find it.
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