Cummins Westport L Gas Plus

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The Cummins Westport L Gas Plus is a spark ignited engine that can run on CNG or LNG. It's applications include heavy duty trucks and artriculated buses. This engine was entirely replaced in 2008 by the Cummins Westport ISL G.


  • LG 320
Current products
Diesel B4.5 / B6.7 - L9 - X12 / X15
CNG B6.7N - ISB6.7 G - ISX12 G - ISX12N - L9N
Former products
Diesel ISB6.7 - ISL9 - ISX12 / ISX15 B5.9 - C8.3 - ISC - ISM - L10 - M11 - NH Series - VTB-903
CNG B5.9G - B Gas Plus - C8.3G - L10G - C Gas Plus - L Gas Plus - ISL G
Propane B LPG Plus