San Diego Metropolitan Transit System 3101-3131

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San Diego Metropolitan Transit System 3101-3131 is wheelchair accessible.

San Diego Metropolitan Transit System 3101-3131 are 2016 ElDorado National Aero Elite cutaway vans built on a Ford F-550 chassis.

Engine Transmission Seating Destination Sign
Ford 6.8L Triton 3V SEFI V10 26


Thumbnail Date VIN License Plate Paint Notes
3101 2016 1FDAF5GY7GEC06775 1474860
  • One of the first LPG cutaways to be delivered (along with 3109 and 3120).
3102 2016 1FDAF5GY9GEC06776 1474896
3103 2016 1FDAF5GY0GEC06777 1515181
3104 2016 1FDAF5GY2GEC06778 1515213
3105 2016 1FDAF5GY4GEC06779 1515170
3106 2016 1FDAF5GY0GEC06780 1515239
3107 2016 1FDAF5GY2GEC06781 1515208
3108 2016 1FDAF5GY4GEC06782 1474869
3109 2016 1FDAF5GY6GEC06783 1474861
  • One of the first 3 LPG fixed route cutaways to be in service.
3110 2016 1FDAF5GY8GEC06784 1515192
3111 2016 1FDAF5GYXGEC06785 1515193
3112 2016 1FDAF5GY1GEC06786 1515186
3113 2016 1FDAF5GY3GEC06787 1474839
3114 2016 1FDAF5GY5GEC06788 1474875
3115 2016 1FDAF5GY7GEC06789 1515249
3116 2016 1FDAF5GY3GEC06790 1515244
3117 2016 1FDAF5GY5GEC06791 1474897
3118 2016 1FDAF5GY7GEC06792 1474874
3119 2016 1FDAF5GY9GEC06793 1474895
3120 2016 1FDAF5GY0GEC06794 1474863
  • One of the first 3 LPG fixed route cutaway to be put into service.
3121 2016 1FDAF5GY2GEC06795 1474892
3122 2016 1FDAF5GY4GEC06796 1517000
3123 2016 1FDAF5GY6GEC06797 1474893
3124 2016 1FDAF5GY8GEC06798 1515240
3125 2016 1FDAF5GYXGEC06799 1515209
3126 2016 1FDAF5GY2GEC06800 1515160
3127 2016 1FDAF5GY4GEC06801 1474894
3128 2016 1FDAF5GY6GEC06802 1515212
3129 2016 1FDAF5GY8GEC06803 1515241
3130 2016 1FDAF5GYXGEC06804 1515169
3131 2016 1FDAF5GY1GEC06805 1517007