Washington Marlboro and Annapolis Transit Company

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Fleet Number(s) Thumbnail Year Manufacturer Model Engine Transmission Notes
1 1952 White/Beck WBSG-33 Ex-Cannon Ball 8; bought in 1954.
2-4 1930 Ford AA Ex-Chesapeake Beach Transit Company; bought in 1930.
2-6 1952 White/Beck WBIG-29 Ex-Cannon Ball 1-5; bought in 1954.
7-10 1952 White/Beck WBIG-37 Ex-Cannon Ball 9-12; bought in 1954.
8 1925 White 50-A
9-10 1927 White 53
11 1923 White 50
14 1927 White 54
16 1928 Graham
17-20 1930 White 65-A
20 1941 White 782 Ex-?.
21 1942 White 782 Ex-Lynchburg Transit Company 351.
22 White 53
22-24 1946 White 782 Ex-Lynchburg Transit Company 353, 356 & 359.
23-25 1935 Ford 51
25 1941 White 798-1 Ex-Hudson Bus Transportation Company 26; bought in 1957.
26-27 1936 White 706M
26-27 1939 White 788-1 Ex-Hill Bus Company 232-233; bought in 1957.
28-29 1937 White 706M
28 1946 White 782-1 Ex-Marion Bus Transportation Company 361; bought in 1955.
28 1940 White 798-1
29 1946 White 782-10 Ex-Rockland Transit 402; bought in 1955.
29-30 1942 White 798-1 Ex-Rockland Coaches 193 & 196; bought in 1957.
30-32 1939 White 706M
30-31 1946 White 782-1 Ex-Marion Bus Transportation Company 362-363; bought in 1955.
31 1945 White 788 Ex-Brown’s Bus Service 13; bought in 1957.
32-34 1945 White 788-10 Ex-West Virginia Transportation Company 362-364; bought in 1955.
33-34 1940 White 706M
35-37 1941 White 782-1
38-44 1942 White 782-1 44 was renumbered to 18 in 1955.
44-45 1945 White 788-10 Ex-West Virginia Transportation Company 365-366; bought in 1955.
45 1939 White 1010 Ex-Horrell & Lorish; bought in 1941.
46-49 1942 White 782-1
50-57 1943 White 782-1 56 was renumbered to 19 in 1955.
54-55 1945 White 788-10 Ex-West Virginia Transportation Company 367-368; bought in 1955.
56 1947 White 788-10 Ex-West Virginia Transportation Company 373; bought in 1955.
58-63 1944 White 798
64-73 1945 White 798
74-78 1947 White 798-10
76 1947 White 798-10 Ex-Hudson Bus Transportation Company 59; bought in 1953.
79-83 1947 White 798
84-97 1952 White 1144
98-104 1953 White 1144
105-106 1949 White 1144 Ex-demo; bought in 1953.
105 1950 White 1136-1 Ex-Deere Brothers 58; bought in 1962.
106 1952 White 1144-D Ex-Deere Brothers 65; bought in 1962.
107-109 1952 White 1144-D Ex-Deere Brothers 62-64; bought in 1962.
110 1942 Yellow Coach TD-4505 Ex-Baltimore Motor Coach Company #?.
201-230 1945 GMC TD-3206 Ex-Public Service Coordinated Transport 3829, 3852, 3855, 3857, 3866, 3870, 3902, 3910, 3912, 3918-3919, 3925-3931, 3939, 3944, 3957, 3960-3964, 4006, 4030, 4079 & 4092; bought in 1959.
240-247 1951 GMC PD-4103 Ex-Eastern Greyhound Lines 3927, 3930, 3881, 3765, 3780-3781, 3871 & 3873; bought in 1965.
248-249 1952 GMC PD-4103 Ex-Eastern Greyhound Lines 3894 & 3918; bought in 1965.
250-251 1965 GMC PD-4106 Detroit Diesel 8V71N Manual 4-speed
260-261 1966 GMC SDM-5302
301-310 1962 GMC TDH-5301 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH
311-313 1962 GMC TDH-4517 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH
314-318 1963 GMC TDH-4519
319-323 1964 GMC TDH-5303 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH
324-325 1961 GMC TDH-5301 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH Ex-demos; bought in May 1964.
401-404 1964 GMC TDH-5304 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH
405 1964 GMC TDH-5303 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH
501-510 1965 GMC TDH-4519 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH
511-520 1965 GMC TDH-5304 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH
521-525 1965 GMC TDH-5303 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH
526 1964 GMC TDH-5303 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH Ex-demo; bought in 1965.
527 1963 GMC TDH-5303 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH Ex-GM Engineering; bought in 1965.
601-620 1966 GMC TDH-5304 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH-9
621-635 1966 GMC TDH-5303 Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VH-9
801-840 1968 GMC T6H-5305A Detroit Diesel 6V71N Allison VS2-6

Buses with unknown fleet numbers

Fleet Number(s) Thumbnail Year Manufacturer Model Engine Transmission Notes
1 bus White
1 bus 1920 White
  • Ex-?; bought in 1922.
  • Serial 76454
2 buses 1924 White 50-A Serials 104721, 104720
1 bus 1925 Reo W Serial 1650
1 sedan 1927 Cadillac

School bus roster

Thumbnail Year Body
Chassis/Model Engine Transmission Serial License
28 1955 Ford B700 Ex-Marca School
29-30 1953 GMC S456Y Ex-Marca School
31-32 1953 International R1832 Ex-Marca School
33 1951 GMC Ex-Marca School
111 1964 Chevrolet Ex-Wilson Bridge Apartments
119 1960 International Ex-O&K Bus Service
121, 123 1962 International Ex-O&K Bus Service
