York Region Transit Bus Stops 1000-1999

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Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1001 Red Maple Road Oneida Crescent North 86, 444
1002 Red Maple Road Bantry Avenue North 86, 444
1003 Leslie Street Commerce Valley Drive East North 82, 90
1004 Red Maple Road Silver Linden Drive North 86, 444
1005 Leslie Street Minthorn Court North 82, 90
1006 Red Maple Road MacGregor Avenue South 86, 444
1007 Leslie Street Highway 7 North 90
1008 Red Maple Road Bantry Avenue South 86, 444
1009 Commerce Valley Drive East Minthorn Court South 90B
1010 Red Maple Road Oneida Crescent South 86, 444
1011 Commerce Valley Drive East South 82, 90B
1012 Red Maple Road High Tech Road South 86
1013 Commerce Valley Drive East West 82, 90B
1014 Commerce Valley Drive East West 82, 90B
1015 Inactive
1016 Commerce Valley Drive West Leslie Street (farside) West 82, 300, 445, 448
1017 York Lanes York University West Inactive
1018 Commerce Valley Drive West South Park Road North 300
1019 Ian MacDonald Boulevard The Chimneystack Road North Inactive Replaced by stop 9822
1020 South Park Road Commerce Valley Drive West East 82, 448
1021 Founders Road Steeles Avenue West North Inactive
1022 South Park Road Pond Drive West 82, 444, 445, 448
1023 Founders Road Steeles Avenue West (farside) South Inactive
1024 South Park Road Park Common Boulevard West 82, 444, 445, 448
1025 Ian MacDonald Boulevard East Inactive
1026 South Park Road Times Avenue West 82, 444, 445, 448
1027 Ian MacDonald Boulevard The Chimneystack Road South Inactive
1028 Times Avenue Galleria Parkway North 82, 444, 445, 448
1029 High Tech Road Red Maple Road East 1
1030 Times Avenue Highway 7 North 82, 444, 445, 448
1031 Doncaster Avenue East 2
1032 Valleymede Drive Samantha Circle North 82, 444, 445, 448
1033 Doncaster Avenue East 2
1034 Valleymede Drive Red Oak Drive North 82, 444, 445, 448
1035 Doncaster Avenue East 2
1036 Valleymede Drive Leicester Road West 82, 444, 445, 448
1037 Doncaster Avenue East 2
1038 Valleymede Drive Chalmers Road North 82, 444, 445, 448
1039 Doncaster Avenue Henderson Avenue East 2
1040 Valleymede Drive Hazelmere Drive North 82, 444, 445, 448
1041 Henderson Avenue Proctor Avenue North 2
1042 Valleymede Drive Briggs Avenue North 82, 444, 445, 448
1043 Henderson Avenue Clark Avenue North 2
1044 Valleymede Drive Blackmore Avenue North 82, 444, 445, 448
1045 Henderson Avenue Elgin Street North 2
1046 Valleymede Drive Sheila Crescent North 82, 444, 445, 448
1047 Henderson Avenue John Street North 2
1048 Valleymede Drive Strathearn Avenue North 82, 444, 445, 448
1049 John Street Candice Gate East 2
1050 Valleymede Drive East 82, 444, 445, 448
1051 John Street Bayview Avenue (farside) East 2, 412, 413
1052 Valleymede Drive Meadowcliffe Avenue North 82, 444, 445, 448
1053 John Street Porterfield Crescent East 2, 412, 413
1054 Valleymede Drive 16th Avenue North 82, 445, 448
1055 John Street East 2, 412, 413
1056 Spadina Road Boake Trail North 82, 445, 448
1057 John Street Aileen Road East 2, 412, 413
1058 Spadina Road Lytton Boulevard North 82, 445, 448
1059 John Street Bayview Fairways Drive East 2, 412, 413
1060 Spadina Road Brookshill Crescent North 82, 445, 448
1061 John Street Dawn Hill Trail East 2, 412, 413
1062 Spadina Road Weldrick Road East North 82, 445, 448
1063 Spadina Road Strathearn Avenue North 82, 445, 448
1064 John Street Cottonwood Court East 2, 412, 413
1065 Spadina Road Crescentview Road North 82, 445, 448
1066 John Street Chestnut Gate East 2, 412, 413
1067 Frank Endean Road Farmstead Road North 82, 448
1068 John Street Rockingham Court East 2, 412, 413
1069 Farmstead Road Kimono Crescent East 82
1070 John Street Don Mills Road East 2, 412, 413
1071 Farmstead Road Shirley Drive East 82
1072 John Street East 2
1073 Shirley Drive Bayfield Drive North 82
1074 John Street Steelcase Road East 2
1075 Shirley Drive Futura Avenue North 82
1076 John Street East 2
1077 Shirley Drive Redstone Road North 82
1078 John Street Woodbine Avenue East 2
1079 Shirley Drive Venture Avenue North 82
1080 Esna Park Drive East 2, 14
1081 Shirley Drive Romance Drive North 82
1082 Esna Park Drive East 2, 14
1083 Shirley Drive Elgin Mills Road East North 82
1084 Esna Park Drive East 2, 14
1085 Elgin Mills Road East Melbourne Drive East 80, 82
1086 Esna Park Drive Alden Road East 2, 14
1087 Elgin Mills Road East Goode Street East 80, 82
1088 Esna Park Drive Alden Road (farside) South 2, 14
1089 Elgin Mills Road East Redstone Road East 80, 82
1090 Esna Park Drive South 2, 14
1091 Elgin Mills Road East Leslie Street East 80
1092 Denison Street East 2
1093 Elgin Mills Road East Leslie Street (farside) West 80, 82, 83A
1094 Denison Street East 2
1095 Elgin Mills Road East Goode Street West 80
1096 Denison Street Hood Road East 2
1097 Elgin Mills Road East Melbourne Drive West 80
1098 Denison Street Warden Avenue East 2
1099 Elgin Mills Road East Shirley Drive West 80


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1100 Denison Street East 2
1101 Shirley Drive Rustic Avenue South Inactive
1102 Denison Street Birchmount Road East 2
1103 Shirley Drive Romance Drive South Inactive
1104 Denison Street East 2
1105 Shirley Drive Venture Avenue South Inactive
1106 Denison Street Clayton Drive East 2
1107 Shirley Drive Redstone Road South Inactive
1108 Denison Street Gorvette Road East 2
1109 Shirley Drive Wayside Avenue South 82
1110 Denison Street Kennedy Road East 2
1111 Denison Street Old Kennedy Road (farside) East 2
1112 Shirley Drive Bayfield Drive South 82
1113 Denison Street Teddington Avenue East 2
1114 Farmstead Road Shirley Drive (farside) West 82
1115 Denison Street East 2
1116 Farmstead Road Shell Court West 82
1117 Denison Street Aldergrove Drive East 2
1118 Farmstead Road Frank Endean Road West 82
1119 Denison Street Brimley Road East 2
1120 Farmstead Road Rushingbrook Drive West 448
1121 Denison Street Cartmel Drive East 2
1122 Farmstead Road Indigo Street West 448
1123 Denison Street East 2
1124 Farmstead Road Bayview Avenue West 448
1125 Denison Street Hillcroft Drive East 2
1126 Centre Street East Beaverton Road West 86, 448
1127 Denison Street Townley Avenue East 2
1128 Inactive
1129 Henderson Drive Poplar Crescent West 32, 428, 434
1130 Centre Street Beaverton Road East 86, 448
1131 Henderson Drive Poplar Crescent South 32, 428, 434
1132 Centre Street Bayview Avenue East 448
1133 Henderson Drive Lee Gate West 32, 428, 434
1134 Farmstead Road Frank Endean Road East 448
1135 Henderson Drive Baldwin Road West 32, 428, 434
1136 Frank Endean Road Cassata Avenue South 82, 448
1137 McClellan Way Tamarac Trail South 32, 428, 434
1138 Frank Endean Road Major Mackenzie Drive East South 82, 448
1139 McClellan Way Briardale Place South 32, 428, 434
1140 Spadina Road Strathearn Avenue South 82, 448
1141 McClellan Way Brookeview Drive South 32, 428, 434
1142 Spadina Road Weldrick Road East South 82, 448
1143 McClellan Way Chiswick Crescent West 32, 428, 434
1144 Spadina Road Brookshill Crescent (farside) South 82, 448
1145 McClellan Way Allenvale Drive West 32, 428, 434
1146 Spadina Road Marlborough Street South 82, 448
1147 McClellan Way Bathurst Street West 32, 428, 434
1148 Spadina Road Boake Trail South 82, 448
1149 Bathurst Street 15th Sideroad South Inactive
1150 Spadina Road 16th Avenue South 82, 448
1151 15th Sideroad Dufferin Street West 88
1152 SmartCentres Richmond Hill South 82, 448
1153 Edward Street Allaura Boulevard East 32, 434
1154 SmartCentres Richmond Hill North 82, 448
1155 Allaura Boulevard West 32, 428, 434
1156 Valleymede Drive Horizon Court South 82, 444, 448
1157 Allaura Boulevard Yonge Street West 32, 428, 434
1158 Valleymede Drive West 82, 444, 448
1159 Murray Drive Nisbet Drive West 32, 434
1160 Valleymede Drive Strathearn Avenue South 82, 444, 448
1161 Murray Drive Corbett Crescent West 32, 434
1162 Valleymede Drive Emmanuel Drive South 82, 444, 448
1163 Murray Drive Glass Drive West 32, 434
1164 Valleymede Drive Blackmore Avenue South 82, 444, 448
1165 Murray Drive Seaton Drive North 32, 434
1166 Valleymede Drive Briggs Avenue South 82, 444, 448
1167 Murray Drive Golf Links Drive North 32, 434
1168 Valleymede Drive Queens College Drive South 82, 444, 448
1169 Murray Drive Kennedy Street North 32, 434
1170 Valleymede Drive Chalmers Road South 82, 444, 448
1171 Inactive
1172 Valleymede Drive Leicester Road East 82, 444, 448
1173 Inactive
1174 Valleymede Drive Red Oak Drive East 82, 444, 448
1175 Inactive
1176 Valleymede Drive Leicester Road South 82, 444, 448
1177 Murray Drive Golf Links Drive South 32, 434
1178 Valleymede Drive Highway 7 South 82, 444, 448
1179 Murray Drive Seaton Drive South 32, 434
1180 Times Avenue Galleria Parkway South 82, 444, 448
1181 Murray Drive Glass Drive South 32
1182 South Park Road Times Avenue (farside) South 82, 444, 448
1183 Murray Drive Nisbet Drive East 32, 434
1184 South Park Road Park Common Boulevard East 82, 444, 448
1185 Murray Drive Mosaics Avenue East 32, 434
1186 South Park Road Pond Drive East 82, 444, 448
1187 Wellington Street East Yonge Street West 32, 33, 432, 434
1188 South Park Road Commerce Valley Drive West (farside) West 82, 444, 445, 448
1189 Wellington Street West George Street West 32, 33, 432, 434
1190 Commerce Valley Drive West South Park Road (farside) South 300
1191 Wellington Street West Haida Drive West 32, 33, 432, 434
1192 Commerce Valley Drive West Leslie Street East 82, 300
1193 Wellington Street West Murray Drive East 32, 429, 434 Aurora H.S.
1194 Leslie Street South 82, 90, 90B, 413 St. Robert C.H.S.
1195 Wellington Street West Haida Drive East 32, 429, 434
1196 Leslie Street North 90, 90B, 413 St. Robert C.H.S.
1197 Wellington Street West George Street East 32, 33, 432, 434
1198 Commerce Valley Drive East East 90B
1199 Wellington Street West Yonge Street East 32, 33, 432, 434


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1200 Commerce Valley Drive East East 90B
1201 Inactive
1202 Commerce Valley Drive East North 90B
1203 Inactive
1204 Commerce Valley Drive East Minthorn Court (farside) North 90B
1205 Inactive
1206 Commerce Valley Drive East Highway 7 North Inactive
1207 Inactive
1208 Aurora Heights Drive Crawford Rose Drive West Inactive
1209 Aurora Heights Drive Falan Heights Crescent West Inactive
1210 Aurora Heights Drive Whispering Pine Trail West Inactive
1211 Richmond Hill GO Station Platform 1 Inactive
1212 Inactive
1213 Richmond Hill GO Station Platform 2 Inactive
1214 Orchard Heights Boulevard Whispering Pine Trail West Inactive
1215 Richmond Hill GO Station Platform 3 Inactive
1216 Orchard Heights Boulevard Fielding Drive East Inactive
1217 Richmond Hill GO Station Platform 4 Inactive
1218 Orchard Heights Boulevard Crawford Rose Drive East Inactive
1219 Richmond Hill GO Station Platform 5 86
1220 Orchard Heights Boulevard Hill Drive East Inactive
1221 Richmond Hill GO Station Platform 6 Inactive
1222 Orchard Heights Boulevard Banff Drive East Inactive
1223 Inactive
1224 Orchard Heights Boulevard Parkland Court East Inactive
1225 Orchard Heights Boulevard Yonge Street East Inactive
1226 Inactive
1227 Inactive
1228 Denison Street McCowan Road East 2
1229 Inactive
1230 Denison Street Coppard Avenue East 2
1231 Inactive
1232 Denison Street Featherstone Avenue East 2
1233 Inactive
1234 Denison Street Middlefield Road East 2
1235 Old Yonge Street O'Hara Drive South Inactive
1236 Denison Street Coxworth Avenue East 2
1237 Old Yonge Street Hollingshead Drive South Inactive
1238 Denison Street East 2
1239 Old Yonge Street Moorcrest Drive South Inactive
1240 Denison Street Markham Road East 2
1241 Old Yonge Street Batson Drive South Inactive
1242 Markham Road Elson Street South 2, 102D
1243 Batson Drive Yonge Street West Inactive
1244 Elson Street Marydale Avenue West 2
1245 Orchard Heights Boulevard Cypress Court West Inactive
1246 Elson Street Jordana Drive West 2
1247 Orchard Heights Boulevard Banff Drive West Inactive
1248 Elson Street Coxworth Avenue West 2
1249 Orchard Heights Boulevard Hill Drive West Inactive
1250 Elson Street Irenemount Crescent West 2
1251 Orchard Heights Boulevard Meadowood Drive West Inactive
1252 Elson Street Mary Pearson Drive (farside) West 2
1253 Orchard Heights Boulevard Fielding Drive West Inactive
1254 Elson Street Middlefield Road West 2
1255 Orchard Heights Boulevard Pineneedle Drive West Inactive
1256 Middlefield Road North 2
1257 Orchard Heights Boulevard Whispering Pine Trail West Inactive
1258 Middlefield Road Denison Street North 2
1259 Whispering Pine Trail Aurora Heights Drive South Inactive
1260 Elson Street East Inactive
1261 Aurora Heights Drive McLeod Drive East Inactive
1262 Eastvale Drive Billingsley Crescent South 2
1263 Aurora Heights Drive Crawford Rose Drive East Inactive
1264 Eastvale Drive Steeles Avenue East South 2
1265 Aurora Heights Drive Haida Drive East Inactive
1266 Steeles Avenue East Markham Road West 2
1267 Inactive
1268 Markham Road Elson Street North 102D
1269 Inactive
1270 Markham Road Denison Street North 102D
1271 Yonge Street Aurora Heights Drive (farside) South 96, 98, 98/99
1272 Denison Street Middlefield Road (farside) West 2
1273 Carrville Road Avenue Road West 16, 85
1274 Denison Street Featherstone Avenue West 2
1275 Carrville Road Myers Boulevard (farside) West 16, 85
1276 Denison Street Coppard Avenue West 2
1277 Carrville Road Ayr Road West 16, 85
1278 Denison Street McCowan Road West 2
1279 Carrville Road Okanagan Drive West 16, 85
1280 Denison Street Townley Avenue West 2
1281 Carrville Road Bathurst Street West 16, 85
1282 Denison Street Hillcroft Drive West 2
1283 Rutherford Road Thomas Cook Avenue West 85
1284 Denison Street West 2
1285 Bur Oak Avenue Riverlands Avenue North 16, 18, 303, 401, 402, 406, 417, 522
1286 Denison Street Cartmel Drive West 2
1287 Bur Oak Avenue The Meadows Avenue North 16, 18, 303, 401, 402, 406, 417, 522
1288 Denison Street Brimley Road West 2
1289 Denison Street Eden Avenue West 2
1290 Bur Oak Avenue Donald Sim Avenue North 16, 18, 303, 401, 402, 406, 417
1291 Denison Street West 2
1292 Bur Oak Avenue Almira Avenue North 16, 18, 303, 401, 402, 406, 417
1293 Denison Street Mallory Avenue West 2
1294 Bur Oak Avenue White's Hill Avenue North 16, 18, 303, 401, 402, 406
1295 Denison Street Fresno Court West 2
1296 White's Hill Avenue Country Glen Road West 417
1297 Denison Street Kennedy Road West 2
1298 White's Hill Avenue Ninth Line West 417
1299 Denison Street Milliken Meadows Drive West 2


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1300 White's Hill Avenue Pascoe Drive East Inactive
1301 Denison Street Clayton Drive West 2
1302 White's Hill Avenue Country Glen Road East Inactive
1303 Denison Street West 2
1304 White's Hill Avenue Bur Oak Avenue East Inactive
1305 Denison Street Birchmount Road West 2
1306 Bur Oak Avenue Almira Avenue South 18, 303, 401, 402, 406
1307 Denison Street West 2
1308 Bur Oak Avenue Donald Sim Avenue South 18, 303, 401, 402, 406
1309 Denison Street Warden Avenue West 2
1310 Bur Oak Avenue The Meadows Avenue South 18, 303, 401, 402, 406
1311 Denison Street Hood Road West 2
1312 Bur Oak Avenue Riverlands Avenue South 18, 303, 401, 402, 406
1313 Denison Street West 2
1314 Bur Oak Avenue Alfred Paterson Drive West 18, 303, 402
1315 Denison Street West 2
1316 Bur Oak Avenue Greensborough Village Circle West 18, 303, 402
1317 Denison Street Esna Park Drive West 2
1318 Bur Oak Avenue Swan Park Road West 18, 303, 402
1319 Esna Park Drive North 2
1320 Bur Oak Avenue Stalmaster Road West 18, 303, 402
1321 Esna Park Drive Alden Road North 2
1322 Bur Oak Avenue Williamson Road West 18, 303, 402
1323 Esna Park Drive West 2
1324 Bur Oak Avenue Anderson Avenue West 18, 301, 303, 304, 402 Mount Joy GO Station
1325 Esna Park Drive West 2
1326 Bur Oak Avenue Highway 48 West 18, 304, 402
1327 John Street Woodbine Avenue (farside) West 2
1328 Bur Oak Avenue Williamson Road East 18, 301, 303, 402
1329 John Street Nolan Court West 2
1330 Bur Oak Avenue Northside Road East 18, 303, 402
1331 John Street Steelcase Road West West 2
1332 Bur Oak Avenue Swan Park Road East 18, 303, 402
1333 John Street West 2
1334 Bur Oak Avenue Greensborough Village Circle East 18, 303, 402
1335 John Street Leslie Street West 2
1336 Bur Oak Avenue Alfred Paterson Drive East 18, 303, 402
1337 John Street Rockingham Court West 2, 413
1338 John Street Cottonwood Court West 2, 413
1339 John Street Dawn Hill Trail West 2, 413
1340 Angus Glen Community Centre North 18, 68B, 402
1341 John Street Bayview Fairways Drive West 2, 413
1342 Kennedy Road Angus Glen Boulevard South 8, 402
1343 John Street Aileen Road West 2, 413
1344 Bur Oak Avenue Fairlawn Avenue East 8, 18, 304, 402, 418 Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.
1345 John Street West 2, 413
1346 Bur Oak Avenue Henrietta Street East 8, 18, 304, 402
1347 John Street Porterfield Crescent West 2, 413
1348 Bur Oak Avenue Crawford Street East 18, 304, 402
1349 John Street Bayview Avenue West 2, 3, 413
1350 Bur Oak Avenue The Bridle Walk East 18, 304, 402
1351 John Street Baywood Gate West 2
1352 Bur Oak Avenue Glenbrook Drive East 18, 304, 402
1353 Henderson Avenue John Street (farside) South 2
1354 Bur Oak Avenue Ridgecrest Road East 18, 304, 402
1355 Henderson Avenue Elgin Street South 2
1356 Bur Oak Avenue Belgrave Square East 18, 304, 402
1357 Henderson Avenue Clark Avenue South 2
1358 Bur Oak Avenue Stonebridge Drive East 18, 304, 402
1359 Henderson Avenue Glen Cameron Road South 2
1360 Bur Oak Avenue Emery Hill Boulevard East 18, 304, 402
1361 Henderson Avenue Doncaster Avenue South 2
1362 Bur Oak Avenue McCowan Road East 18, 304, 402
1363 Doncaster Avenue West 2
1364 Bur Oak Avenue Trailsbrook Terrace East Inactive Replaced by stop 5127
1365 Doncaster Avenue West 2
1366 Bur Oak Avenue Roy Rainey Avenue East 18, 304, 402
1367 Doncaster Avenue West 2
1368 Bur Oak Avenue Dogwood Street East 18, 304, 402 Bur Oak S.S.
1369 Doncaster Avenue West 2
1370 Bur Oak Avenue Mingay Avenue East 18, 304, 402
1371 Meadowview Avenue Yonge Street West 2
1372 Bur Oak Avenue Ayhart Street East Inactive Replaced by stop 5125
1373 Clark Avenue Yonge Street (farside) West 5, 77
1374 Bur Oak Avenue Markham Road East 18, 304, 402
1375 Clark Avenue Springfield Way West 5, 77
1376 Mount Joy GO Station Platform 3 Inactive
1377 Clark Avenue Charles Street West 5, 77
1378 Clark Avenue Hilda Avenue (farside) West 5, 23, 77
1379 Bur Oak Avenue West Inactive Replaced by stop 5124
1380 Clark Avenue Atkinson Avenue West 5, 23, 77
1381 Bur Oak Avenue Mingay Avenue West 18, 304, 402
1382 Clark Avenue York Hill Boulevard West 5, 77, 160
1383 Bur Oak Avenue Dogwood Street West 18, 304, 402 Bur Oak S.S.
1384 Clark Avenue Bathurst Street West 5, 77
1385 Bur Oak Avenue Roy Rainey Avenue West 18, 304, 402
1386 Clark Avenue South Promenade West 5, 77
1387 Bur Oak Avenue Trailsbrook Terrace West Inactive Replaced by stop 5126
1388 Clark Avenue New Westminster Drive West 5, 77 St. Elizabeth C.H.S.
1389 Bur Oak Avenue McCowan Road West 18, 304, 402
1390 Clark Avenue West 5
1391 Bur Oak Avenue Hillwood Street West 18, 304, 402
1392 Clark Avenue Judith Avenue West 5
1393 Bur Oak Avenue Stonebridge Drive West 18, 304, 402
1394 Clark Avenue Brownridge Drive West 5
1395 Inactive
1396 Clark Avenue West 5 Vaughan S.S.
1397 Bur Oak Avenue Ridgecrest Road West 18, 304, 402
1398 Clark Avenue Dufferin Street West 5
1399 Bur Oak Avenue Glenbrook Drive West 18, 304, 402


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1400 Clark Avenue Dufferin Street (farside) East 5
1401 Bur Oak Avenue The Bridle Walk West 18, 304, 402
1402 Clark Avenue East 5 Vaughan S.S.
1403 Bur Oak Avenue Crawford Street West 18, 304, 402
1404 Clark Avenue Joseph Aaron Boulevard East 5
1405 Bur Oak Avenue William Berczy Boulevard West 18, 304, 402
1406 Clark Avenue Stonemill Gate East 5
1407 Bur Oak Avenue Fairlawn Avenue West 18, 304, 402
1408 Clark Avenue East 5
1409 Bur Oak Avenue McCaul Street West 18, 304, 402, 418 Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.
1410 Clark Avenue New Westminster Drive East 5
1411 Kennedy Road Castlemore Avenue North 402
1412 Clark Avenue New Westminster Drive (farside) East 5, 77 St. Elizabeth C.H.S.
1413 Major Mackenzie Drive East Angus Glen Boulevard West 25, 402
1414 Clark Avenue South Promenade East 5, 77
1415 Calvert Road Thackeray Court West 40
1416 Clark Avenue Bathurst Street East 5, 77
1417 Calvert Road Townson Road West 40
1418 Inactive
1419 Calvert Road Woodbine Avenue West 40
1420 Clark Avenue York Hill Boulevard East 5, 77
1421 Woodbine Avenue Rodick Road North 24, 40, 410
1422 Clark Avenue Atkinson Avenue (farside) East 5, 23, 77
1423 Rodick Road Rachel Crescent East 40, 405, 410, 418
1424 Clark Avenue Hilda Avenue East 5, 23, 77
1425 Rodick Road Pilgrim Drive East 40, 405, 410, 418
1426 Clark Avenue Charles Street East 5, 77
1427 Rodick Road Rachel Crescent South 40, 405, 410, 418
1428 Clark Avenue York Hill Boulevard East 5, 77
1429 Rodick Road Eyer Drive South 40, 405, 410, 418 St. Augustine C.H.S.
1430 Clark Avenue Yonge Street East 5, 77
1431 Rodick Road Calvert Road South 40, 405, 410, 418
1432 Inactive
1433 Rodick Road Hans Drive South 40, 405, 410, 418
1434 Dufferin Street Draper Boulevard North 105
1435 Rodick Road 16th Avenue South 40, 405, 410
1436 Glen Shields Avenue Dufferin Street (farside) West 5
1437 Rodick Road John Button Boulevard South 40, 405, 410
1438 Glen Shields Avenue Oakmount Crescent West 5
1439 John Button Boulevard Militia Trail (farside) West 40, 405
1440 Glen Shields Avenue Oakmount Crescent South 5
1441 John Button Boulevard Captain Francis Drive West 40, 405
1442 Glen Shields Avenue Crooked Stick Road South 5
1443 John Button Boulevard Millbrook Gate West 40, 405
1444 Glen Shields Avenue New Seabury Drive South 5
1445 John Button Boulevard Hoodview Court South 40, 405
1446 Glen Shields Avenue Bay Hill Drive South 5
1447 John Button Boulevard Melchior Crescent South 40, 405
1448 Glen Shields Avenue Prairie Dunes Place South Inactive Combined with relocated stop 1450
1449 John Button Boulevard Melchior Crescent South 40, 405
1450 Glen Shields Avenue Spyglass Hill Road (farside) South 5 Formerly located on Glen Shields Avenue at Bob O'Link Avenue
1451 Apple Creek Boulevard Rodick Road East 40, 405
1452 Glen Shields Avenue Royal Colwood Court (farside) East 5
1453 Apple Creek Boulevard Corby Road East 40, 405
1454 Glen Shields Avenue Riviera Drive (farside) East 5
1455 Apple Creek Boulevard Whitehall Drive East 40, 405
1456 Glen Shields Avenue Cherry Hills Road East 5
1457 Apple Creek Boulevard Town Centre Boulevard East 40, 405
1458 Glen Shields Avenue Dufferin Street East 5
1459 Town Centre Boulevard Wallis Way South 40, 405
1460 Glen Shields Avenue Dufferin Street (farside) West 5
1461 Town Centre Boulevard Highway 7 South 40, 405
1462 Glen Shields Avenue Cherry Hills Drive West 5
1463 Warden Avenue North 40, 68B, 405
1464 Glen Shields Avenue Riviera Drive West 5
1465 Warden Avenue Glencove Drive North 40, 68B, 405
1466 Alden Road Esna Park Drive (farside) East 14
1467 Glencove Drive Buchanan Drive East 40, 405, 410
1468 Alden Road Bentley Street East 14
1469 Buchanan Drive Spanhouse Crescent North 40, 202, 405, 410
1470 Alden Road McPherson Street East 14
1471 Buchanan Drive Fenwick Crescent East 40, 405, 410
1472 Alden Road Hood Road East 14
1473 Buchanan Drive Village Parkway East 40, 405, 410
1474 Alden Road Warden Avenue East 14
1475 Village Parkway Kreighoff Avenue (farside) North 40, 405, 410
1476 14th Avenue Gough Road East 14
1477 Village Parkway Padget Place North 40, 405, 410
1478 14th Avenue Birchmount Road East 14
1479 Carlton Road Village Parkway (farside) East 40, 302, 405, 410
1480 14th Avenue East 14
1481 Carlton Road Fred Varley Drive East 40, 302, 405, 410
1482 14th Avenue East 14
1483 Carlton Road McKay Crescent East 40, 302, 405, 410
1484 14th Avenue McDowell Gate East 14
1485 Carlton Road Pennock Crescent (farside) East 40, 302, 405, 410
1486 14th Avenue Kennedy Road East 14
1487 Carlton Road McKay Crescent (farside) South 40, 302, 405, 410
1488 14th Avenue Noble Street East 14
1489 Carlton Road Pomander Road South 40, 302, 405, 410
1490 14th Avenue Brimley Road East 14
1491 Carlton Road Main Street Unionville East 40, 302, 405, 410
1492 14th Avenue Caldbeck Avenue East 14
1493 Carlton Road Stanford Road East 40, 405, 410
1494 14th Avenue Tillie Square East 14
1495 Carlton Road Kennedy Road East 40, 40, 410
1496 14th Avenue Hoake Road East 14
1497 Carlton Road Loring Crescent East 40, 405, 410
1498 14th Avenue McCowan Road East 14, 401 Father McGivney C.A.
1499 Carlton Road Fawnbrook Circle East 40, 405, 410


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1500 14th Avenue Coppard Avenue East 14, 401, 411
1501 Carlton Road Manhattan Drive East 40, 405, 410
1502 14th Avenue Featherstone Avenue East 14, 401, 411
1503 Carlton Road Halterwood Circle East 40, 405, 410
1504 14th Avenue Canfield Drive East 14. 401
1505 Carlton Road Markville S.S. East 40, 405, 410
1506 14th Avenue Lepp Drive East 14, 401
1507 Carlton Road Central Park Drive West 40, 405, 410
1508 14th Avenue Markham Road (farside) East 2, 14, 401, 411
1509 Carlton Road Manhattan Drive West 40, 405, 410
1510 14th Avenue Horstman Street (farside) East 2, 14, 401, 411
1511 Carlton Road Fawnbrook Circle West 40, 405, 410
1512 Roxbury Street Chatelaine Drive (farside) East 2, 14, 401, 411
1513 Carlton Road Loring Crescent West 40, 405, 410
1514 Roxbury Street Pearman Court East 2, 14, 401, 411
1515 Carlton Road Kennedy Road West 40, 405, 410
1516 Roxbury Street 14th Avenue South 2, 14, 401, 411
1517 Carlton Road Chamberry Crescent (farside) West 40, 405, 410
1518 Boxwood Crescent South 2, 14, 401, 411
1519 Carlton Road Main Street Unionville West 40, 405, 410
1520 Boxwood Crescent Bretton Circle East 2, 14, 401, 411
1521 Carlton Road Pomander Road North 40, 405, 410
1522 Boxwood Crescent Lanor Court East 2, 14, 401, 411
1523 Carlton Road McKay Crescent North 40, 405, 410
1524 Boxwood Crescent 14th Avenue North 2, 14, 401, 411
1525 Carlton Road Pennock Crescent West 40, 405, 410
1526 Legacy Drive Honeysuckle Drive North 2, 14, 401, 411
1527 Carlton Road Pennock Crescent West 40, 405, 410
1528 Legacy Drive Rouge Bank Drive North 2, 14, 401, 411
1529 Carlton Road Millstone Court West 40, 405, 410
1530 Legacy Drive Russell Jarvis Drive North 2, 14
1531 Carlton Road Village Parkway West 40, 405, 410
1532 Russell Jarvis Drive Meadowgrass Crescent West 14, 401, 411
1533 Village Parkway Wentworth Court South 40, 405, 410
1534 Russell Jarvis Drive Black Walnut Drive (farside) West 14, 401, 411
1535 Village Parkway Addington Square South 40, 405, 410
1536 Russell Jarvis Drive Rouge Bank Drive West 14, 401, 411
1537 Village Parkway Buchanan Drive South 40, 302, 405, 410
1538 Rouge Bank Drive Lady Fern Drive South 14, 401, 411
1539 Buchanan Drive Fenwick Crescent (farside) West 40, 302, 405, 410
1540 Rouge Bank Drive Silverflower Avenue South 14, 401, 411
1541 Buchanan Drive Spanhouse Crescent West 40, 302, 405, 410
1542 Rouge Bank Drive Legacy Drive East 14, 401, 411
1543 Buchanan Drive Glencove Drive South 40, 302, 405, 410
1544 Russell Jarvis Drive White Bluff Lane East 2, 14, 401, 411
1545 Glencove Drive Warden Avenue West 40, 302, 405, 410
1546 Ninth Line Kenilworth Gate North 1, 9, 14, 303, 401, 411, 416
1547 Inactive
1548 Ninth Line Highway 7 North 1, 9, 14, 303, 401
1549 Highway 7 Town Centre Boulevard West 1, 40, 405
1550 Butternut Lane South 522
1551 Town Centre Boulevard Cox Boulevard North 40, 302, 405
1552 Markham-Stouffville Hospital East 522
1553 Town Centre Boulevard Wallis Way North 40, 302, 405
1554 Town Centre Boulevard Apple Creek Boulevard North 40, 405
1555 Church Street Butternut Lane West 1, 303, 401, 402, 406, 411, 416 Markham-Stouffville Hospital
1556 Apple Creek Boulevard West 302
1557 Church Street Ninth Line West Inactive Replaced by stop 1555
1558 Apple Creek Boulevard Corby Road West 302
1559 Inactive
1560 Apple Creek Boulevard Rodick Road West 302
1561 Ninth Line Rose Way South 303, 401, 402, 411
1562 Apple Creek Boulevard John Button Boulevard West 302
1563 Inactive
1564 John Button Boulevard Melchior Crescent North 302
1565 Ninth Line Delmark Boulevard South 9, 14, 303, 401
1566 John Button Boulevard John Stiver Crescent North 302
1567 Rouge Bank Drive Russell Jarvis Drive West 2, 14, 401, 411
1568 John Button Boulevard Millbrook Gate North 302
1569 Russell Jarvis Drive Wood Thrush Avenue North 2, 14, 401, 411
1570 John Button Boulevard Buttonfield Road East 302
1571 Inactive
1572 John Button Boulevard Tomlinson Circle East 302
1573 Russell Jarvis Drive Black Walnut Drive East 2, 14, 401, 411
1574 John Button Boulevard Rodick Road East 302
1575 Legacy Drive Russell Jarvis Drive (farside) South 2, 14
1576 Rodick Road 16th Avenue North 40, 405, 410
1577 Legacy Drive Honeysuckle Drive South 14, 401, 411
1578 Rodick Road Hans Drive North 40, 405, 410, 418
1579 Boxwood Crescent Sparta Court South 2, 14, 305, 401, 411
1580 Rodick Road Calvert Road North 405, 410, 418
1581 Rouge Bank Drive Silverflower Avenue (farside) West 14, 401, 411
1582 Rodick Road Eyer Drive North 405, 410, 418
1583 Rouge Bank Drive Lady Fern Drive North 14, 401, 411
1584 Rodick Road Macrill Road North 405, 410, 418
1585 Rouge Bank Drive Russell Jarvis Drive North 14, 401, 411
1586 Rodick Road Pilgrim Drive (farside) West 405, 410, 418
1587 Boxwood Crescent Lemsford Drive West 2, 14, 305, 401, 411
1588 Rodick Road Woodbine Avenue West 405, 410, 418
1589 Boxwood Crescent Bretton Circle West 2, 14, 305, 401, 411
1590 Hollingham Road Brantwood Court East 302, 410
1591 Boxwood Crescent 14th Avenue North 2, 14, 305, 401, 411
1592 Hollingham Road Conistan Road East 302, 410
1593 Roxbury Street Pearmain Court West 2, 14, 305, 401, 411
1594 Hollingham Road Coledale Road South 302, 410
1595 Roxbury Street Chatelaine Drive West 2, 14, 305, 401, 411
1596 Hollingham Road Baycliffe Road South 302, 410
1597 Chatelaine Drive 14th Avenue South 2, 14, 305, 401, 411
1598 Hollingham Road Loweswater Avenue South 410
1599 14th Avenue Horstman Street (farside) West 2, 14, 305, 401, 411


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1600 Hollingham Road Halstead Drive South 410
1601 14th Avenue Markham Road West 14, 305, 401, 411
1602 Hollingham Road Nadine Crescent North 40, 405, 410
1603 14th Avenue Old 14th Avenue West 14, 401
1604 Hollingham Road Calderbridge Crescent North 40, 405, 410
1605 14th Avenue Canfield Drive West 14, 401
1606 Hollingham Road Baycliffe Road North 40, 405, 410
1607 14th Avenue Featherstone Avenue West 14, 401
1608 Hollingham Road Lockridge Avenue North 40, 405, 410
1609 14th Avenue Coppard Avenue West 14, 401
1610 Hollingham Road Glamorgan Court (farside) West 40, 405, 410
1611 14th Avenue McCowan Road West 14, 401 Father McGivney C.A.
1612 Hollingham Road Brantwood Court West 40, 405, 410
1613 14th Avenue Redkey Drive West 14
1614 Hollingham Road Conistan Road (farside) West 40, 405, 410
1615 14th Avenue Tillie Square West 14
1616 Woodbine Avenue Personna Boulevard North 4, 24, 418, 449
1617 14th Avenue Canning Court West 14
1618 Major Mackenzie Drive East Woodbine Avenue West 24, 25, 452
1619 14th Avenue Beckenridge Drive West 14
1620 Markland Street Major Mackenzie Drive East (farside) South 24, 449
1621 14th Avenue Noble Street West 14
1622 Hillmount Road Hopecrest Road East 4, 24, 449
1623 14th Avenue Kennedy Road West 14
1624 Hillmount Road Woodbine Avenue East 4, 24, 449
1625 14th Avenue McDowell Gate West 14, 522
1626 Woodbine Avenue Markland Street South 24
1627 14th Avenue West Inactive
1628 Woodbine Avenue 16th Avenue South 24
1629 14th Avenue West Inactive
1630 Woodbine Avenue Millbrook Gate South 24
1631 14th Avenue Birchmount Road West 14
1632 Woodbine Avenue Hooper Road South 24
1633 14th Avenue Crown Steel Drive West 14
1634 Woodbine Avenue Valleywood Drive South 24
1635 14th Avenue Warden Avenue West 14
1636 Woodbine Avenue Centurian Drive South 24
1637 Inactive
1638 Woodbine Avenue Highway 7 South 24
1639 Alden Road 14th Avenue West 14
1640 Woodbine Avenue Lanark Road South 24
1641 Inactive
1642 Woodbine Avenue Burncrest Road South 24
1643 Alden Road McPherson Street West 14
1644 Woodbine Avenue Shields Court South 24
1645 Alden Road Bentley Street West 14
1646 Woodbine Avenue Miller Avenue North 24
1647 Alden Road Esna Park Drive West 14
1648 Woodbine Avenue Yorktech Drive North 24
1649 Denison Street Don Park Road West 14
1650 Woodbine Avenue Highway 7 North 24
1651 Denison Street Victoria Park Avenue West 14
1652 Woodbine Avenue MacIntosh Drive North 24
1653 Denison Street Victoria Park Avenue (farside) West 14, 24
1654 Woodbine Avenue Apple Creek Boulevard North 24
1655 Denison Street Woodbine Avenue West 14, 24
1656 Woodbine Avenue Hooper Road North 24
1657 Denison Street Woodbine Avenue (farside) East 24
1658 Woodbine Avenue Millbrook Gate North 24
1659 Denison Street Victoria Park Avenue East 24
1660 Woodbine Avenue 16th Avenue North 24
1661 Dufferin Street Clark Avenue (farside) South 105
1662 Woodbine Avenue Major Mackenzie Drive East North 24, 418
1663 Dufferin Street South 5, 105
1664 Woodbine Avenue Major Mackenzie Drive East (farside) South 4, 24, 418, 449
1665 Glen Shields Avenue Royal Colwood Court West 5
1666 Woodbine Avenue Oakford Drive South 4, 24, 418, 449
1667 Glen Shields Avenue Bob O'Link Avenue West Inactive
1668 Woodbine Avenue Hillmount Road South 4, 24, 449
1669 Glen Shields Avenue Spyglass Hill Road North 5
1670 Hillmount Road Hopecrest Road West 4, 24, 449
1671 Glen Shields Avenue Quaker Ridge Road North 5
1672 Hillmount Road Markland Street West 4, 24, 449
1673 Glen Shields Avenue Point O'Woods Drive North 5
1674 Markland Street Bartlett Road North 4, 449
1675 Inactive
1676 Markland Street Major Mackenzie Drive East North 24
1677 Glen Shields Avenue Crooked Stick Road (farside) East 5
1678 Major Mackenzie Drive East Nichols Boulevard East 4, 24, 25
1679 Glen Shields Avenue Boyne Highlands Court East 5
1680 Major Mackenzie Drive East Woodbine Avenue East 4, 24, 25
1681 Glen Shields Avenue Marita Place East 5
1682 Major Mackenzie Drive East Leslie Street West 4, 25, 449
1683 Dufferin Street Glen Shields Avenue (farside) South 5, 105
1684 Inactive
1685 Dufferin Street South 5, 105
1686 Major Mackenzie Drive East Forestwood Street West 4, 25
1687 Inactive
1688 Major Mackenzie Drive East Shirley Drive West 4 25
1689 Rutherford Road Peter Rupert Avenue West 85
1690 Rutherford Road Barrhill Road West 85, 87, 471
1691 Major Mackenzie Drive East Frank Endean Road WEst 4, 25
1692 Rutherford Road Keele Street West 85, 87, 471
1693 Major Mackenzie Drive East Old Markham Road (farside) West 4, 25, 445
1694 Rutherford Road Westburne Drive West 85, 87
1695 Major Mackenzie Drive East Bayview Avenue West 4, 25, 445
1696 Rutherford Road Confederation Parkway East 85, 87
1697 Major Mackenzie Drive East West 4, 25, 445
1698 Rutherford Road Forest Run Boulevard East 85, 105
1699 Major Mackenzie Drive Sussex Avenue West 4, 25, 445


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1700 Rutherford Road Dufferin Street East 85, 105
1701 Major Mackenzie Drive East Newkirk Road (farside) West 4, 25
1702 Carrville Road Hillcrest Mall West 16, 85
1703 Major Mackenzie Drive East Cedar Avenue West 4, 25
1704 Carrville Road Plaisance Road West 16, 85
1705 Major Mackenzie Drive East Pugsley Avenue West 4, 25
1706 Seneca College King Campus Garriock Hall West 88
1707 Major Mackenzie Drive East Baker Avenue West 4, 25
1708 Seneca College King Campus Entrance Road South 22, 32, 88, 88E
1709 Major Mackenzie Drive West Arnold Crescent (farside) West 4, 25
1710 15th Sideroad Dufferin Street (farside) East 88
1711 Major Mackenzie Drive West Trench Street West 4
1712 15th Sideroad Bathurst Street East 88
1713 Major Mackenzie Drive West West 4
1714 Inactive
1715 Major Mackenzie Drive West Headdon Gate West 4
1716 Inactive
1717 Major Mackenzie Drive West Bathurst Street West 4, 446
1718 Inactive
1719 Major Mackenzie Drive West Dufferin Street West 4
1720 Inactive
1721 Major Mackenzie Drive West Hill Street West 4
1722 Inactive
1723 Major Mackenzie Drive West West 4
1724 Inactive
1725 Major Mackenzie Drive West Keele Street West 4
1726 Inactive
1727 Major Mackenzie Drive West West 4, 462
1728 Henderson Drive Tamarac Trail East 32, 434
1729 Major Mackenzie Drive West Killian Road West 4, 462
1730 Henderson Drive Poplar Crescent East 32, 434
1731 Major Mackenzie Drive West McNaughton Road West 4, 462
1732 Henderson Drive Caruso Gardens North 32, 434
1733 Inactive
1734 Henderson Drive Yonge Street East 32, 434
1735 Major Mackenzie Drive West West 4
1736 Yonge Street Edward Street North 96, 98, 98/99
1737 Major Mackenzie Drive West Jane Street West 4, 462
1738 Yonge Street Edward Street (farside) North 96, 98, 98/99
1739 Inactive
1740 Yonge Street Kennedy Street North 96, 98, 98/99
1741 Inactive
1742 Inactive
1743 Inactive
1744 Yonge Street Church Street North 96, 98, 98/99
1745 Wellington Street East Berczy Street East 32, 33, 54, 432, 434
1746 Wellington Street East Industrial Parkway East 32, 33, 54, 426, 432, 434
1747 John West Way Wellington Street East (farside) North 426, 432, 434
1748 John West Way Amberhill Way North 426, 432, 434
1749 John West Way Ochalski Road North 426, 432, 434
1750 John West Way Hollidge Boulevard North 426, 432, 434
1751 Hollidge Boulevard East 426
1752 Hollidge Boulevard Bayview Avenue East 426
1753 Inactive
1754 Hollidge Boulevard John West Way West Inactive
1755 John West Way Evelyn Buck Lane South 426, 437
1756 John West Way Municipal Drive South 426, 437
1757 John West Way Wellington Street East South 426, 437
1758 Wellington Street East Industrial Parkway West 32, 33, 54, 426, 432, 434
1759 Wellington Street East Berczy Street West 32, 33, 54, 432, 434
1760 Inactive
1761 Yonge Street Murray Drive South 96, 98, 98/99
1762 Inactive
1763 Ninth Line Donald Cousens Parkway South 9, 417
1764 Ninth Line Bur Oak Avenue South 9, 417
1765 Ninth Line 16th Avenue South 9, 417
1766 Ninth Line Tiers Gate South 9, 16, 417
1767 Ninth Line Fincham Avenue South 9, 16, 417
1768 Ninth Line Cornell Park Avenue South 9, 16, 417
1769 Ninth Line Merlin Gate South 9, 16, 417, 522
1770 Ninth Line 16th Avenue North 9, 417
1771 Ninth Line Donald Cousens Parkway North 9, 417
1772 Inactive
1773 Eastern Gate Crescent Sullivan Lane (farside) South Inactive
1774 Eastern Gate Crescent Loretta Crescent North Inactive
1775 Main Street Tenth Line West 415
1776 Tenth Line Main Street North Inactive
1777 Hemlock Drive Geoffrey Crescent West 415
1778 Hemlock Drive Aspen Crescent West 415
1779 Millard Street Alderwood Street West 415
1780 Millard Street Linden Lane West 415
1781 Millard Street Ironwood Crescent (farside) West 415
1782 Millard Street Bayberry Street (farside) West 415
1783 Millard Street Ninth Line West 415
1784 Main Street Park Drive West Inactive Renumbered to stop 6723
1785 Main Street Mill Street West Inactive Renumbered to stop 6722
1786 Main Street Blake St West 417 Stouffville GO Station
1787 Main Street Charles Street West 417
1788 Ninth Line Elm Road South 9
1789 Main Street Clarke Street East 9
1790 Main Street Edward Street (farside) East 9 Stouffville GO Station
1791 Main Street Park Drive East Inactive Renumbered to stop 1792
1792 Main Street Park Drive East 9 Formerly located at Lebovic Leisure Centre, then on Burkholder Street
1793 Park Drive Main Street North Inactive
1794 Main Street Stouffer Street East 9
1795 Stouffer Street Dorman Drive South Inactive
1796 Stouffer Street Blair Road South Inactive
1797 Stouffer Street Lori Avenue South Inactive
1798 Lori Avenue Flint Crescent East Inactive
1799 Lori Avenue Tenth Line East Inactive


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1800 Main Street Stouffer Street West Inactive
1801 Main Street Ninth Line West Inactive
1802 Main Street Westlawn Crescent West Inactive Renumbered to stop 6720
1803 Main Street Palmwood Gate West Inactive Renumbered to stop 6719
1804 Main Street Sandale Road West Inactive Renumbered to stop 6737
1805 Ringwood Drive South Inactive
1806 Ringwood Drive East Inactive
1807 Ringwood Drive Main Street North Inactive
1808 Main Street Sandiford Drive East 9
1809 Main Street Mostar Street East 9
1810 Main Street Weldon Road East 9
1811 Main Street Ninth Line East 9
1812 Snider Drive Raymerville Drive North 301, 403
1813 Raymerville Drive Byer Drive North 301, 403, 410
1814 Raymerville Drive Carpenter Court North 301, 403, 410
1815 Raymerville Drive Quarry Stone Drive West 301, 403, 410
1816 Raymerville Drive Smithy Street West 301, 403, 410
1817 Raymerville Drive Stone Mason Drive West 301, 403, 410
1818 Inactive
1819 Inactive
1820 Inactive
1821 Inactive
1822 Inactive
1823 McCowan Road Carlton Road South 129A
1824 Carlton Road McCowan Road East 40, 404, 405, 410
1825 Inactive
1826 McCowan Road Bullock Drive South 40, 129A, 403, 404, 405, 522
1827 Markville Mall West 40, 403, 405
1828 McCowan Road Heritage Road North 40, 129A, 301, 403, 404, 405
1829 McCowan Road Heritage Road South 40, 129A, 301, 403, 404, 405
1830 McCowan Road Highway 7 South 40, 129A, 301, 403, 404, 405
1831 McCowan Road Bullock Drive North 40, 129A, 301, 403, 404, 405
1832 McCowan Road Raymerville Drive North 129A, 301, 403, 522
1833 Raymerville Drive East 301, 403, 410
1834 Raymerville Drive Mercer Crescent East 301, 403, 410
1835 Raymerville Drive Graham Crescent East 301, 403, 410
1836 Raymerville Drive Graham Crescent East 301, 403, 410
1837 Raymerville Drive Hickory Drive East 301, 403, 410
1838 Raymerville Drive Snider Drive East 301, 403, 410
1839 Larkin Avenue Bryant Road East 301, 403, 410
1840 Larkin Avenue Eastwood Crescent (farside) East 301, 403, 410
1841 Larkin Avenue Mintleaf Gate East 301, 403, 410
1842 Larkin Avenue Lehman Crescent (farside) East 301, 403, 410
1843 Larkin Avenue Pipher Gate East 301, 403, 410
1844 Larkin Avenue Sawyer Crescent South 301, 403, 410
1845 Larkin Avenue Fincham Avenue South 301, 403, 410
1846 Fincham Avenue West 301, 403, 410
1847 Fincham Avenue Wooten Way West 301, 403, 410
1848 Wooten Way Ramona Boulevard South 301, 403, 410
1849 Wooten Way Sir Tristram Place South 301, 403, 410
1850 Wooten Way Parkway Avenue South 301, 403, 410
1851 Parkway Avenue West 301, 403, 406, 410, 411, 416
1852 Parkway Avenue Sir Constantine Drive West 301, 403, 406, 410, 411, 416
1853 Parkway Avenue Sir Bedevere Place (farside) West 301, 403, 406, 410, 411, 416
1854 Parkway Avenue Paramount Road West 301, 403, 406, 410, 411, 417
1855 Parkway Avenue Orchard Street West 301, 403
1856 Parkway Avenue Main Street Markham West 301, 403
1857 Main Street Markham Ramona Boulevard North 102D, 403 Markham GO Station
1858 Main Street Markham Springdale Street North 102D, 403
1859 Main Street Markham Springdale Street South 102D, 403
1860 Main Street Markham Station Street South 102D, 403
1861 Main Street Markham Bullock Drive South 102D, 403
1862 Bullock Drive Snider Drive West 301, 403
1863 Snider Drive Backus Court North 301, 403
1864 Carrville Road Ayr Road East 16, 85
1865 Bur Oak Avenue McCaul Street East Inactive Replaced by stop 5875
1866 William Berczy Boulevard Gable Avenue North 8
1867 William Berczy Boulevard Weatherill Road North 8
1868 William Berczy Boulevard Castlemore Avenue North 8
1869 William Berczy Boulevard Winston Castle Drive North 8
1870 Kennedy Road Schoolhouse Road South 8, 402
1871 Kennedy Road The Fairways South 8, 402
1872 Inactive
1873 Kennedy Road Bur Oak Avenue South 8
1874 Kennedy Road 16th Avenue South 8, 304, 418
1875 Kennedy Road Birchview Lane South 8, 304
1876 Kennedy Road The Bridle Trail South 8, 304
1877 Kennedy Road Carlton Road South 8, 304
1878 Kennedy Road Austin Drive South 8, 304
1879 Kennedy Road Highway 7 South Inactive Replaced by stop 9748
1880 Kennedy Road Avoca Drive South 8, 304, 522
1881 Kennedy Road Castan Avenue South 8, 304, 522
1882 Kennedy Road Unionville Gate South 8, 304, 522
1883 Kennedy Road YMCA Boulevard South 8, 522
1884 Kennedy Road Duffield Drive South 8, 522
1885 Kennedy Road 14th Avenue South 8
1886 Kennedy Road Lee Avenue South 8
1887 Kennedy Road Highglen Avenue South 8
1888 Kennedy Road Denison Street South 8
1889 Kennedy Road Gorvette Road South 8
1890 Kennedy Road Clayton Drive South 8
1891 Kennedy Road Steeles Avenue East South 8
1892 Steeles Avenue East Putnam Gate West 8
1893 Steeles Avenue East Birchmount Road West Inactive
1894 Steeles Avenue East Birchmount Road (farside) West Inactive
1895 Steeles Avenue East Mountcastle Gate West Inactive
1896 Steeles Avenue East Warden Avenue West Inactive
1897 Harvest Moon Drive Appleby Crescent East 8
1898 Harvest Moon Drive Maitland Drive North 8
1899 Harvest Moon Drive Clayton Drive North 8


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
1900 Kennedy Road Gorvette Road North 8
1901 Kennedy Road Denison Street North 8
1902 Kennedy Road Highglen Avenue North 8
1903 Kennedy Road Lee Avenue North 8
1904 Kennedy Road 14th Avenue North 8
1905 Kennedy Road Duffield Drive North 8
1906 Kennedy Road North 8, 522
1907 Kennedy Road Unionville Gate North 8, 522
1908 Inactive
1909 Kennedy Road Avoca Drive North 8, 304, 522
1910 Inactive
1911 Leslie Street Toporowski Avenue South 90, 449
1912 Leslie Street Princeton Avenue South 90, 449
1913 Leslie Street South 90, 449
1914 Leslie Street South 90, 449
1915 Leslie Street Major Mackenzie Drive East South 90
1916 Leslie Street South 90
1917 Leslie Street Greenhill Avenue South 90
1918 Leslie Street Headford Avenue South 90
1919 Leslie Street 16th Avenue South 85, 90, 90B
1920 Leslie Street West Beaver Creek Road South 90, 90B
1921 Leslie Street West Wilmot Street South 90
1922 Leslie Street South 90
1923 Leslie Street West Pearce Street South 90
1924 Leslie Street Highway 7 South 90
1925 Leslie Street Minthorn Court South 90
1926 Leslie Street Commerce Valley Drive West (farside) South 90
1927 Inactive
1928 Leslie Street Green Lane (farside) South 90, 90B
1929 Leslie Street 14th Lane South 3, 90, 90B
1930 Leslie Street Tanglewood Trail South 3, 90, 90B
1931 Leslie Street John Street (farside) South 3, 90, 90B
1932 Don Mills Road Simonston Boulevard South 3, 90, 90B, 412, 413
1933 Don Mills Road Simonston Boulevard South 90, 90B
1934 Don Mills Road Steeles Avenue East South 90, 90B
1935 Inactive
1936 Don Mills Road Steeles Avenue East (farside) North 3, 90, 90B
1937 Don Mills Road Simonston Boulevard North 3, 90, 90B
1938 Don Mills Road Simonston Boulevard North 90, 90B
1939 Don Mills Road John Street North 3, 90, 90B
1940 Leslie Street Lyndhurst Drive North 3, 90, 90B
1941 Leslie Street 14th Lane North 3, 90, 90B
1942 Leslie Street Summerdale Drive (farside) North 90, 90B
1943 Inactive
1944 Inactive
1945 Leslie Street East Pearce Street North 90
1946 Leslie Street East Wilmot Street North 90
1947 Leslie Street East Beaver Creek Road North 90
1948 Leslie Street North 90
1949 Inactive
1950 Leslie Street Orlando Avenue North 90
1951 Leslie Street Staples Avenue North 90
1952 Leslie Street North 90
1953 Leslie Street Major Mackenzie Drive East North 90
1954 Leslie Street Performance Drive North 90, 449
1955 Leslie Street Via Renzo Drive North 90, 449
1956 Leslie Street Toporowski Avenue North 90, 449
1957 Elgin Mills Road Redstone Road West 80, 82
1958 Bathurst Street Valley Vista Drive South 88
1959 Inactive
1960 Bathurst Street Lebovic Campus Drive South 88
1961 Bathurst Street Marc Santi Boulevard South 88
1962 Bathurst Street Rutherford Road South 88
1963 Bathurst Street Mitchell Reaman Gate South 88
1964 Bathurst Street Teefy Avenue South 88
1965 Bathurst Street Ner Israel Drive South 88
1966 Bathurst Street Autumn Hill Boulevard South 88
1967 Bathurst Street Summeridge Drive South 87, 88, 88A
1968 Inactive
1969 Inactive
1970 Eagle Street John Bowser Crescent North 56, 96, 98, 98/99
1971 Upper Canada Mall South Parking Lot East 44, 52, 56
1972 Inactive
1973 Yonge Street London Road North 52, 98, 98/99
1974 Yonge Street Bristol Road North 52, 98, 98/99
1975 Yonge Street North 52, 430
1976 Yonge Street Green Lane North 52
1977 Yonge Street Aspenwood Drive South 52, 98, 98/99
1978 Yonge Street South 52, 98, 98/99
1979 Yonge Street Bonshaw Avenue South 52, 98, 98/99
1980 Yonge Street Dawson Manor Boulevard South 52, 98, 98/99
1981 Davis Drive West 44, 50, 55, 98, 98/99
1982 Eagle Street John Bowser Crescent South 56, 96
1983 Inactive
1984 Inactive
1985 Yonge Street Gladman Avenue South 98, 98/99
1986 Yonge Street South 98, 98/99
1987 Inactive
1988 Yonge Street Clearmeadow Boulevard South 96, 98, 98/99
1989 Inactive
1990 Mulock Drive Sandford Street East 57, 420
1991 Mulock Drive Cane Parkway East 57, 420, 423
1992 Mulock Drive East 57, 420, 423
1993 Mulock Drive Steven Court East 57, 420, 423
1994 Mulock Drive Bayview Avenue East 57, 420, 423
1995 Mulock Drive Tapestry Lane East 57, 420, 423, 427
1996 Mulock Drive Fernbank Road East 57
1997 Leslie Street Mulock Drive (farside) North 57
1998 Leslie Street North 57
1999 Leslie Street Crowder Boulevard North 57

York Region Transit logo 2018.png
Divisions BRT (Miller) - North (TOK Transit) - Southeast (Miller) - West (TOK Transit)
Terminals Bernard - Cornell - Finch - Highway 407 Station - Major Mackenzie West - Markham-Stouffville Hospital - Newmarket - Pioneer Village - Promenade - Richmond Hill Centre - SmartVMC - Vaughan Mills
Hubs 404 Town Centre - Canada's Wonderland - Don Mills Station - Humber College - Islington Loop - Markville Mall - Seneca College King Campus - Sheppard West Station - York University
Park & Rides Davis Dr. & Hwy 404 - Wellington St. & Hwy 404
Bus Stops 1000-1999, 2000-2999, 3000-3999, 4000-4999, 5000-5999, 6000-6999, 7000-7999, 8000-9999 - Family Of Services
Viva Blue - Purple/Purple A - Pink - Orange - Yellow
Regular 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 32 33 40 44 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 77 80 81 82 83/83A 85 86 87 88 90/90B 91/91A/91B 96 98 99 105 107/107B 165 522
TTC-operated 17A 68B 102D 129A 160
Express 300 301 302 303 304 305 320 360 361 391
School Specials 401 402 403 404 405 406 408 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 420 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 432 433 434 436 437 440 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 452 460 461 462 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 473
On-Request Aurora GO - Gormley - Holland Landing-Mount Albert - King - Kleinburg-Nashville - Maple-Rutherford GO - Markham - Newmarket-Aurora-Oak Ridges - Newmarket Local - North - Richmond Hill Local - Stouffville - Woodbridge
Discontinued 2A 6 9 11 15 18 22 24D 25D 27 28 31 33 33A 34 35D 37D 41 42 45 53 58 59 61 66 69 80 81 84 87 88E 107F 200 201 202 203 203 204 210 215 220 220/221 222 222 223/223A 224B 224C/224D 225 240 241 242 243 244 260 268 318/319 320 340 360 400 401 402 404 405 408 409 410 414 414 416 416 421 422 423 435 440 441 442 443 451 463 466 520/521 560 561 589/590 720 760 - Blue A - Green - 800 - Aurora-Oak Ridges - Blue Willow Community - Bristol - Bur Oak - Business Shuttle - East Gwillimbury GO - Gorham-Eagle - Holland Landing - Keswick - King Local - Mapleglen - Markham Fair - Markham Local - Mount Albert - Newmarket - Sutton-Pefferlaw - The ROC - Unionville Local - Vellore Local
Greater Golden Horseshoe Agencies
Bradford West Gwillumbury
Durham Region
GO Transit
Grand River
Niagara Region
Port Hope
Simcoe County
York Region